
缩写 全称 解释
U/RU Rank Unit 1.75 inches,4.445cm
IDC Internet Data Center
HPC High Performance Computer
ICT Information and Communication Technology 数据中心三大支柱之一
TCO Total Cost of Ownership
μOps/uOp micro-operations 一条指令可能由多个微操作完成
RS Reservation station Tomasulo中的扩展寄存器(寄存器重命名)
CDB Common Data Bus Tomasulo中广播所有结果的总线
BHT Branch History Table 基于历史的分支预测
BTB Branch Target Buffer 记录跳转地址
ROB ReOrderd Buffer 支持分支预测错误的Tomasulo算法所需的数据结构,FIFO
VLIW Very Long Instruction Word
EPIC Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing
POE Plan Of Execution EPIC在指令级别提供了该层抽象
MLP Memory Level Parallelism
DIMM Dual In-line Memory Module
SDRAM Synchronous DRAMs
ATA Advanced Technology Attachment 磁盘的一种,分为PATA(Parallel)和SATA(Serial)
SCSI Small Computer System Interface 比ATA更先进,同样分为P和S
SAS Serial Attached SCSI
FC Fibre Channel
JBOD Just a Bunch Of Disk 没有关联的一堆磁盘
ECC Error Correcting Coding
DAS Direct Access Storage
NAS Network Attached Storage
SAN Storage Area Network
WA Write Amplification SSD的性质
SLC Single Level Cell SSD的一种
ASI Architecture Starting Image 架构启动镜像,Sampled Simulation
PCA Principal Component Analysis 主成分分析法
SMP Symmetric MultiProcessor 同步多处理器(也称CSM)
DSM Distributed Shared Memory
MSI Modified, Shared, Invalid Snooping Protocol的一种,WB,Invalidation
SMT Simultaneous MultiThreading 同步多线程
CMP Chip MultiProcessor 片上多处理器
MVL Maximum Vector Length
VLR Vector Length Register VLR <= MVL
VMR Vector Mask Register
SPMD Single Program Multiple Data
SM Streaming MultiProcessors
TPC Texture/Processor Clusters N卡的概念,一个TPC包含几个SM
SP Streaming Processor 一个SM有很多SP
flit flow control unit 网络能够传输的最小单元
phit physical unit 每个cycle在一个link时传输的数据量
MIN Multistage Interconnection Network Omega是blocking的!!!
PUE Power Usage Effectiveness 类似有WUE(Water)/CUE(Carbon)
ATS Automatic Transfer Switch
STS Static Transfer Switch 切换到备用电源的静态开关
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply 备用电池组
PDU Power Distributed Units 后面接机架
CRAC Computer Room Air Conditioning 空调系统
COP Coefficient Of Performance 约为1.0-1.5
TOR Top Of Rank ICT连接交换机的方式,还有End Of Row(更贵)
MDA Main Distribution Area
HDA Horizontal Distributed Area
EDA Equipment Distributed Area
WSC Warehouse-Scale Computers
SLA Service Level Agreement 服务被提供的方式(服务提供者&用户)
MDC Modular Data Center 类似Containerized Data Center
ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface Intel提出的电力功率管理的标准
TDP Thermal Design Power 热设计功耗,处理器负载最大时的功率
MTTF Mean Time To Failure
MTTR Mean Time To Repair
MTBF Mean Time Between Failure
ACE Architecturally Correct Execution ACE bit指对程序执行正确性至关重要的bit
AVF Architectural Vulnerability Factor